Copy Review #007: Watch me optimize a meal delivery service homepage in real time

If any section of your website deserves extra lovin’ (i.e. messaging attention), it’s your homepage hero section.

On most websites, this critical chunk of copy has to work hard to hook both first-time and repeat visitors, inspire interest in your brand, and drive prospects toward a revenue-supporting next step.

Let me show you what I mean.

When you press play on the video below, you’ll see a conversion copywriter (that’s me) optimize a homepage hero for a meal delivery service.

Watch me make copy choices in real time. Hear me explain why I’m writing what I’m writing. And grab a handful of copy ideas and insights to improve your own homepage hero.


Want to watch me optimize a homepage in real time?

Hi, I’m Paige from The Impact Copywriter. And I help founders and marketers run higher-converting campaigns by focusing specifically on their marketing messages or, as we copywriters call it, the copy.

Today, I’m optimizing a homepage hero section for a meal delivery service. Join me as I make copy optimization choices in real time.

**Watch the copy makeover starting at video marker 00:25.**

Keep in mind, this is an in-the-wild copy example, which means I don’t know anything about the ideal buyer or conversion context or the business’s strategy. All of the choices I’ve made so far have been based on my personal experience in this space.

So, as always, you want to make sure you do your voice-of-customer research and base all of your copywriting changes and any of your hypotheses for future tests on the data that you have about your ideal buyers.

Relying on guesses, assumptions, and gut reactions is risky.

Use your data to make more strategic choices as you optimize your copy so that you see more reliable results.

If you need help optimizing your campaigns so that you see shockingly more leads, customers, and clients, let’s chat.

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