New email workshop:

Let's save your sales emails from a spam-folder future.

Automatically sniff out inactive subscribers. Revive your email open rates. And keep the inbox gods from banishing you to the spam folder.

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Right now, "silent treatment" subscribers are destroying your email deliverability and hurting your sales.

And if you don't act, things will only get worse.

Subscribers who don’t open your emails damage your sender reputation, depress your email engagement, and tell Google that your marketing and sales emails deserve to go to spam purgatory. 

Which is bad, no, terrible news for revenue. 

Odds are: 

You have inactive subscribers secretly squatting on your email list at this very moment. 

Probably loads of ’em. 

Definitely way more than you think. 

What if you could set up an automated “subscriber spring cleaning” sequence that’s designed to… 

  • quickly identify lapsed subscribers, 
  • re-engage the ones who can be rescued, and 
  • purge those who continue to ignore your emails

… all on autopilot? 

In this workshop, I’m taking you behind the scenes of the strategy, tech, and emails I use to do just that.  

Sign up (coming soon!) and I’ll show you how to set up a simple automation that can rescue your email engagement, protect your deliverability, and keep your list in a constant state of good health. 

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