Could just one strategic offer boost sales across your business? Um, yeah. It can.

What if you could use one launch to funnel customers and clients into multiple areas of your business at the same time? And without adding other promotional pushes to your marketing calendar?

That’s the question I asked myself while optimizing a 7-day launch for a client that sells online coaching programs.

As a conversion copywriter, a big part of the work I do with my done-for-you copywriting clients is offer optimization.

In simple terms, that means: I help my clients make their offers more alluring. So they see more sales.

There are many ways to optimize your offers for more sales.

You may already be using optimization techniques like offering tiers or payment plans.

Today, I want to share a tactic that I call: Offer Cross-Pollination.

This one will be intriguing if you sell or if you plan to sell complementary courses, programs, memberships, or services.

And the complementary part is key.

Here’s how it works:

Just like how bees pick up pollen from one flower and leave it on the petals of another…

You can use bonuses or bundles to enhance the value of your core offer while seeding complementary offers with the same customers or clients.

To better illustrate this concept, let’s hop back to my coaching client’s launch funnel.

I was optimizing the offer for a 7-day open and close cart-type of launch. And part of that process was brainstorming potential bonuses, specifically mid-cart bonuses.

Because sales activity typically hits a slump during the middle of a longer promo period – say, around day 4 – a high-value, mid-cart bonus can help re-energize subscribers to act.

The core offer for this launch was a premium-priced, 3-month, self-paced training program.

And I knew my client also had a super affordable ongoing membership that went hand-in-hand with that program.

So instead of recommending that the team create extra lower-value PDFs, workshops, or recordings in the name of “bonuses,”…

I suggested a more purposeful opportunity: a mid-cart bonus that would give new students a few free months to the client’s fun and engaging membership program.

This was a smart move for a few reasons:

#1, We knew community, connection with other like-minded souls, and specific events were big selling points for this audience – which made the membership bonus a highly desirable addition to the core program.

#2, We also knew this membership had a strong track record of retaining members for 12 months or more. Meaning, getting more members in would likely boost monthly recurring revenue – even after accounting for the free months.

And #3, the company could deliver this bonus with virtually no extra effort or cost because the membership events were going to happen anyway.

My client loved the idea and approved a 3-month free membership bonus.

Remember though, it’s not enough to have a high-value bonus, you also have to promote it.

So to fully highlight that offer, I created a bonus landing page and a dedicated email for day 4 (AKA slump day) of the promo email sequence.

Here’s a deeper look at how I positioned it: [watch 02:59-9:50]

So at the risk of sounding cliche…

Market smarter, not harder.

You can use offer cross-pollination to support your subscription-based products and programs – like in this example.

I’ve also seen smart marketers use this technique to bundle in brand-new offerings. So they can easily secure beta testers and essential early testimonials without building out sales pages or full-blown funnels for something that’s never been tested.

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