The Pond Problem: Why your campaigns struggle to convert despite your best optimization efforts

If you’re STILL struggling to convert leads, customers, and clients despite having optimized your landing pages, emails, and ads, you might have what I call a “pond problem.”


This is your marketing reminder that if you want your campaigns to convert, you have to put the right messages in front of the right people.

Hi, I’m Paige, I’m a conversion copywriter, and part of the work I do with my clients is troubleshooting conversion issues.

So I can tell you that if you are not seeing the results you want from your campaigns and you feel like you’re doing everything right on the copywriting side—that means that you’ve done your voice of customer research, you’ve mapped your conversion context, you’ve built out a purchase profile, and you’re following all the best practices as far as you know—and you’re still not seeing results, then you likely have a pond problem.

What that means is:

Just like in fishing, the key determining factor in whether or not you catch fish, whether you catch a lot of fish or you catch high-quality fish, is the quality of the fishing spot that you’re fishing in.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a skilled fisherman. You’ll still go home empty-handed if you’re in a poor-quality fishing spot. The same concept applies to marketing. You could have the best messaging in the world, but if you put it in front of the wrong people, it’s just not going to perform that well.

So if you’re struggling with conversions and you think you’re making all the right decisions and you have data to support those decisions, then it’s time to look at how and where you’re reaching prospects because there could be an issue there.

For example, if you’re list-building and your lead magnets don’t align strongly with what you eventually want to sell people—for example, if you have a lot of DIY-focused lead magnets but you sell professional services, which is a mismatch—then you’re going to build a list of leads who just simply don’t want to buy from you. There’s a mismatch there.

Issues in how you reach your market could cause conversion problems further down the line.

If you’d like my help digging into your data and troubleshooting what’s causing your conversion issues so you can start seeing more leads, customers, and clients, we should chat.

Start a project conversation here.

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